Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Oh Hey, how ya doin'?

Wow, my goal to create a blog and update it regularly is not happening.  Hopefully I can get back to updating it weekly. So much has happened in my life to take me away from my blog, but I'm committed to get back to it!

I've continued to teach 3rd grade at Saturday School and it has become one of my favorite parts of my week.  After taking my graduate level math class, I quickly learned that teaching math is something that doesn't come as easily as teaching reading and writing.  I've moved to teaching math to my little ones and have found it extremely rewarding and (gasp) FUN!

Here we are working on six diget numbers- house shopping!

January 2013:

Our view of the Inauguration- 2013
After celebrating the new year with my dear friend M, I decided that 2013 would be my best year yet.  (Update: there's been a few bumps since but I'm thinking positively!) Mom and Little Sister came to visit for the 2nd Inauguration for Obama. It was a truly unique experience and I don't think I'll ever do it again. It was CRAZY, typical. I can't imagine what it looked like 4 years ago. It was a lot of waiting and standing around but the excitement and positive energy in the air was infectious. 

 February 2013:

Visiting long lost relatives at Air and Space
Although I did turn 25 this month- it was fab. Some friends and I went out on a weeknight to a Flogging Molly concert at the Fillmore in Silver Spring. It was a lot of fun and I learned that mosh pits are not quite my style, so I enjoyed from a distance.  

A few weeks later  celebrated my birthday (again) when BFF came to visit from Colorado! We went to the O Street Mansion in Dupont. This place is seriously awesome- we explored all levels of the mansion and the hidden doors. If you're ever in the Dupont looking for something to do- check it out.

Back to BFF's visit! Poor thing flew overnight to see me! It was her first time in DC so I was sure to show her all the important stuff. Of course we went to the Quarry House in Silver Spring, did most of the mall- fairly quickly and my favorite- the Newseum. 

February ended with a very, very special Bar Mitzvah! This kid is amazing.
Namaste Politicos! 

March 2013:

Had my very first snow day ever- and was extremely productive organizing and cleaning. I know horrible for a snow day.
I know right...

Dad came to visit and we explored DC- doing things on our "bucket list," because lord knows we won't be back to visit... 

and SPRING BREAK.  I was planning on going to New York and Vermont to play in the snow and explore with a good friend, but a relaxing week on the couch and catching up on my favorite blogs was in order.  

I finally was able to (no judgement, I know, so nerdy) read all of this fabulous mamma's blog she is awesome! Check out her blog (link below), Mama Laughlin!

She inspires me to be better. Not only has she lost 60+ pounds, she always looks good, committing to fitness and eating healthy and oh guess what, she has two toddlers and a full time job. 

I am becoming more consistant in my exercise routine (running, elliptical and Jillian workout videos- more about that later) and wearing more professional adult clothes (read= not yoga pants, sorry lu).  I have no excuses not for not fitting in a good workout, healthy meals and making sure I look good (hair included).  

April 2013:

Where the heck did April go? It's already the 19th! Yikes Stripes!! It has been a great month. The 9 and 10th graders have been jumping into drugs head first. I'll do a post on that soon- promise.  This week we celebrated Zimriya- Israel Independence Day. It is a great day of celebration! Each grade does a song and dance in Hebrew.  The energy in the gym yesterday was incredible!

Soon I will be heading to Marquette to celebrate my little sister's graduation! I'm excited because that also marks the last week of my graduate program for the semester! I'm soooo close to being half way there! If you're looking for a quality online education program, look no further, I have one and it comes highly recommended!

Links included in this post:
O Street Mansion:

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