Monday, May 6, 2013

graduation is just the beginning

I'm so sad this weekend is over. I had a great time in Marquette, MI with my family for my little sisters graduation from Northern Michigan University .

Go little sister! (she was at the end because she will be paid the least)
It. Was. Freezing.  My fingers are so cold typing this the iPad isn't always picking up on the letters... So cold. I throughly embarrassed my inner minnesotaian and sister by wearing snow pants for part of the trip.

Mom played word games until it was Corinne's turn.
Saturday morning, still frozen, I attended the graduation ceremony were we waited patiently for 888 people to graduate.  There were several speakers, most of them saying the same thing... If I could give the 22 year old me three words of advice.... Commencement is only the beginning.... And my personal favorite; don't forget to donate! We will help you network and find the perfect job... Blah blah blah. We've heard them all... And I promised my mom and dad they would never have to sit through another one for me.

As my sister put it... "We'll that was anti-climatic." All I can think of is looking back on my education and thinking of all the awesome moments.

Getting the perfect transitional sentence in your research paper
teamwork all nighters to earn the a
the (almost) instant gratification of writing a killer paper
recording your lessons to see you've finally broke your odd behavior (starting all sentences with sooo, like).
Fitting in classes, skiing and studying for four years to achieve cum laude

All major accomplishments that happen daily in a college students life... Sleep vs. studying vs. social life.  It's a lesson in balance and determination.

All cumulated with 10 seconds of walking across the stage,  you get a piece of paper... For $50,000+ that's one expensive paper.  Now it's time for the real struggle- entering the real world, mid-20's were to get a job you need experience, and to get experience you need a job. Even with one full year of student teaching and countless internships (not to mention my current issue of also having 2 years of experience).

Are we doing college all wrong, sending young adults to strange small towns to study and become an expert in something? Should we be sending student to study extensively with a master social worker, CPA, teacher or doctor? In a world that is always changing, where many jobs I am preparing my students for do not exist yet, is the system we prepare college level students dated?
Getting coffee with a former awesome professor

So. If I could give any advice to college students- graduated and not, enjoy the journey and process. At the end, you're not special, you along with 373847 million kids your age just graduated with the same degree, some with honors, some not.  What makes you employable is you... Get experience at the bottom, always go above and beyond.

Because in this workforce there are 100's of applicants for one position...

And if you have a position I hope you love it and are changing the world.  Doing your very best, going above and beyond with enthusiasm and passion.

There are 100s of us who would die for your position.

and then we cleaned 2 years of ick out of my sisters house...
Me graduating in 2011 hugging Dr. Anderson from WSCU

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