Wednesday, May 1, 2013

PROcrastination: the good kind

I think I have anxiety. Luckily I am BFFs with the school nurse. Not kidding... B.F.Fs. We play my fave game- mole or cancer and discuss facial droop. I have never been diagnosed nor will ever but according to my fave book ever: Spark. chronic procrastinators may have anxiety, or I'm just making this up. There I just added something to your summer reading. You're welcome.

I also work better under pressure, which is why I procrastinate and let me tell you. I am one of the best procrastinators ever.

my bff Margo and I celebrating the Fiscal Cliff.. er 2013
My PROcrastination (the good kind) usually involves: some type of exercise,  laundry,  organizing the colors in my closet, yoga, baking, shopping,  search and apply for jobs, volunteer work etc. I can't tell you how I get it all done but I do. Between being a fulltime teacher and masters level student I feel I get so much more accomplished... maybe I am spreading my self too thin in parts of my life, but I'm working on it.

As evidenced by this year, I work better when I have a million and a half things to do.  I'm WORRIED (back to anxiety) that when I finish my masters I'll be a lazy bum... I do understand this is something to be aware of but will I actually go to the gym in the morning, or afternoon if I don't HAVE to do it- when I schedule it....

Before going to school tomorrow morning I hope to accomplish the following:
1. Submitting 3 FINAL masters level projects (all are at least started)
2. Launder my black clothing and sheets
3. PACK for my sister's graduation in Marquette
4. Sub plans for tomorrow and Friday
5. Saturday School final project
6. Eat all the perishables -ie mac and cheese and apples, and bananas
7. Finish another application

I work best under pressure. Most times- I know I can and do get overwhelmed. Currently I've reached a point in my life where I can analyze when I get frustrated, and walk away from the situation, or adjust it.  As a teacher it's great to be able to pinpoint the things that frustrate you because then you can create a management plan and train your students to follow this plan.

BIGGEST PET PEVE EVER: The bell rings- I'm sitting in my office and I know within 4.234 min I will have at least 13 middle schoolers with some type of tragedy, wer're talking life threading here people. Like a unicorn with glow in the dark hair accidentally did the laundry in the middle of the night and stole my PE uniform.

Example: I brought my PE uniform! (me: great! go change) But left it in the car....

These are middle schoolers so of course they think if they talk louder than the other one I will magically be able to hear them and quickly respond to their problem.  Ha. I used to stick my pointer finger in the face of the student shouting over the other- you know nicely indicating I'll be with them shortly.  But I've come up with a better idea. They line up.... I sit at my desk and approach them one by one.  If someone shouts over the other I kindly ignore them until I'm finished working with the student in front of them.  I know how basic this sounds, but it has been a lifesaver for me.

Most important part which all teachers know- PRACTICE IT. At the beginning of the semester I SHOW my students what I expect of them and you know what? It works. Harry Wong knew exactly what he was talking about in: The First Days of School. More summer reading. Bam.

happy teachers=effective, well practiced classroom management.

And that my 2 blogger friends (hi mom and dad!) is my PROcrastination blog for today.

Seeing littles this weekend when she graduates!
I'm not planning on blogging until after the weekend, so it was nice knowing ya. Now if you're in Maryland go enjoy this perfect evening!


Follow up to "help a gril out" post: Margo says: "Wow, the number keeps growing, the love, the support and the donations keep coming. I can't thank you all enough for your support and for sharing our page and helping us achive our goal of raising awareness and funds for TAAF (The Aneurysm and AVM Foundation). Thank you...gracias! Please keep sharing the page we are so close to our new goal!!!"

Today I was brought to tears reading about other people who sufferd from this condition.  What they ask for is not their ability to walk, run, skip or hop, but to RAISE AWARENESS for this under supported disease. Please check out this webpage and explore the unique stories of strength and perseverance and consider donating to this wonderful cause. 

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