Friday, May 10, 2013

creating pro-active members of society.

Have you ever taken 14 8th graders through 3 security check points in one day?

On Thursday, we took the entire 8th grade to capitol hill. As a physical educator I have become quite confident in creating fun, engaging activities to make mundane learning extraordinary.

I went above and beyond and created standards for the trip:
SWBT: Meet congress members  High five as many congress members as possible- student with highest score will win cookies.
SWBT: Be eyewitness of famous buildings run almost 5 miles (yep, I brought pedometers) from the capitol to the library of congress back to the capitol then to the house of judiciary then back to the capitol.
SWBT: Identify prince harry and miss holmes will leave as a princess

To achieve standard one I showed the 8th graders the lepal pin of the 113th congress. When you see this you offer a high five.  Next, lunch was scheduled on the steps of the Capital right before the congress people would be let out for lunch (11:30ish). greatest. game. ever. Winner got cookies. these said cookies got this said student literally kicked out of the capitol, buttt more on that later. 

Yep! Dear congress men those were my lovely students.

I digress. Security lines and 8th graders. 

Here's the deal: all security lines are different. You cannot bring water or food into the capitol building, but you can bring food and drinks into the other buildings we visited.  All buildings the poor kids had to take off their belts, jackets, watches and hats. one kid kept taking off his shoes... I think that was a personal decision.  

Sooooo we would all get lost and the Mama Bear in me would get super nervous... I made it through other kids did not... the kids made it through as I ran around throwing away bagels and cream cheese.... and the freaking cookies... wich I guess under the security camera did not look like cookies, and because the student is not 18 he needed someone with him, and we were both through security. Luckily this is one of the greatest kids I have so I wasn't (too) worried.

Every time I go downtown I am amazed by how large and beautiful the buildings are, it is quite humbling. The mall has an incredible presence, I'd highly recommend checking it out at night especially. The monuments are incredible at night.  I can't help but thinking about how old they are and the huge decisions that have been made around and under them.  US history is awesome; full of perseverance  honor and scandal.  Check out: Hard Core History sometime! 

I'd love to post pictures from the trip and I will after I block out all 15 of my beautiful student's faces.  Until then I'm going to enjoy the last few hours of teacher appreciation week (and don't worry, I have a whole another blog post about that). 

Monday, May 6, 2013

graduation is just the beginning

I'm so sad this weekend is over. I had a great time in Marquette, MI with my family for my little sisters graduation from Northern Michigan University .

Go little sister! (she was at the end because she will be paid the least)
It. Was. Freezing.  My fingers are so cold typing this the iPad isn't always picking up on the letters... So cold. I throughly embarrassed my inner minnesotaian and sister by wearing snow pants for part of the trip.

Mom played word games until it was Corinne's turn.
Saturday morning, still frozen, I attended the graduation ceremony were we waited patiently for 888 people to graduate.  There were several speakers, most of them saying the same thing... If I could give the 22 year old me three words of advice.... Commencement is only the beginning.... And my personal favorite; don't forget to donate! We will help you network and find the perfect job... Blah blah blah. We've heard them all... And I promised my mom and dad they would never have to sit through another one for me.

As my sister put it... "We'll that was anti-climatic." All I can think of is looking back on my education and thinking of all the awesome moments.

Getting the perfect transitional sentence in your research paper
teamwork all nighters to earn the a
the (almost) instant gratification of writing a killer paper
recording your lessons to see you've finally broke your odd behavior (starting all sentences with sooo, like).
Fitting in classes, skiing and studying for four years to achieve cum laude

All major accomplishments that happen daily in a college students life... Sleep vs. studying vs. social life.  It's a lesson in balance and determination.

All cumulated with 10 seconds of walking across the stage,  you get a piece of paper... For $50,000+ that's one expensive paper.  Now it's time for the real struggle- entering the real world, mid-20's were to get a job you need experience, and to get experience you need a job. Even with one full year of student teaching and countless internships (not to mention my current issue of also having 2 years of experience).

Are we doing college all wrong, sending young adults to strange small towns to study and become an expert in something? Should we be sending student to study extensively with a master social worker, CPA, teacher or doctor? In a world that is always changing, where many jobs I am preparing my students for do not exist yet, is the system we prepare college level students dated?
Getting coffee with a former awesome professor

So. If I could give any advice to college students- graduated and not, enjoy the journey and process. At the end, you're not special, you along with 373847 million kids your age just graduated with the same degree, some with honors, some not.  What makes you employable is you... Get experience at the bottom, always go above and beyond.

Because in this workforce there are 100's of applicants for one position...

And if you have a position I hope you love it and are changing the world.  Doing your very best, going above and beyond with enthusiasm and passion.

There are 100s of us who would die for your position.

and then we cleaned 2 years of ick out of my sisters house...
Me graduating in 2011 hugging Dr. Anderson from WSCU

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

PROcrastination: the good kind

I think I have anxiety. Luckily I am BFFs with the school nurse. Not kidding... B.F.Fs. We play my fave game- mole or cancer and discuss facial droop. I have never been diagnosed nor will ever but according to my fave book ever: Spark. chronic procrastinators may have anxiety, or I'm just making this up. There I just added something to your summer reading. You're welcome.

I also work better under pressure, which is why I procrastinate and let me tell you. I am one of the best procrastinators ever.

my bff Margo and I celebrating the Fiscal Cliff.. er 2013
My PROcrastination (the good kind) usually involves: some type of exercise,  laundry,  organizing the colors in my closet, yoga, baking, shopping,  search and apply for jobs, volunteer work etc. I can't tell you how I get it all done but I do. Between being a fulltime teacher and masters level student I feel I get so much more accomplished... maybe I am spreading my self too thin in parts of my life, but I'm working on it.

As evidenced by this year, I work better when I have a million and a half things to do.  I'm WORRIED (back to anxiety) that when I finish my masters I'll be a lazy bum... I do understand this is something to be aware of but will I actually go to the gym in the morning, or afternoon if I don't HAVE to do it- when I schedule it....

Before going to school tomorrow morning I hope to accomplish the following:
1. Submitting 3 FINAL masters level projects (all are at least started)
2. Launder my black clothing and sheets
3. PACK for my sister's graduation in Marquette
4. Sub plans for tomorrow and Friday
5. Saturday School final project
6. Eat all the perishables -ie mac and cheese and apples, and bananas
7. Finish another application

I work best under pressure. Most times- I know I can and do get overwhelmed. Currently I've reached a point in my life where I can analyze when I get frustrated, and walk away from the situation, or adjust it.  As a teacher it's great to be able to pinpoint the things that frustrate you because then you can create a management plan and train your students to follow this plan.

BIGGEST PET PEVE EVER: The bell rings- I'm sitting in my office and I know within 4.234 min I will have at least 13 middle schoolers with some type of tragedy, wer're talking life threading here people. Like a unicorn with glow in the dark hair accidentally did the laundry in the middle of the night and stole my PE uniform.

Example: I brought my PE uniform! (me: great! go change) But left it in the car....

These are middle schoolers so of course they think if they talk louder than the other one I will magically be able to hear them and quickly respond to their problem.  Ha. I used to stick my pointer finger in the face of the student shouting over the other- you know nicely indicating I'll be with them shortly.  But I've come up with a better idea. They line up.... I sit at my desk and approach them one by one.  If someone shouts over the other I kindly ignore them until I'm finished working with the student in front of them.  I know how basic this sounds, but it has been a lifesaver for me.

Most important part which all teachers know- PRACTICE IT. At the beginning of the semester I SHOW my students what I expect of them and you know what? It works. Harry Wong knew exactly what he was talking about in: The First Days of School. More summer reading. Bam.

happy teachers=effective, well practiced classroom management.

And that my 2 blogger friends (hi mom and dad!) is my PROcrastination blog for today.

Seeing littles this weekend when she graduates!
I'm not planning on blogging until after the weekend, so it was nice knowing ya. Now if you're in Maryland go enjoy this perfect evening!


Follow up to "help a gril out" post: Margo says: "Wow, the number keeps growing, the love, the support and the donations keep coming. I can't thank you all enough for your support and for sharing our page and helping us achive our goal of raising awareness and funds for TAAF (The Aneurysm and AVM Foundation). Thank you...gracias! Please keep sharing the page we are so close to our new goal!!!"

Today I was brought to tears reading about other people who sufferd from this condition.  What they ask for is not their ability to walk, run, skip or hop, but to RAISE AWARENESS for this under supported disease. Please check out this webpage and explore the unique stories of strength and perseverance and consider donating to this wonderful cause.